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Reasons to Believe


Molecular biologist Dr Philip Mallinder explains the amazing, intricate design of cells in the human body and the beak of a woodpecker and asks “who designed them?” (4:52)


Dr Martyn Lawrence explores the reliability and number of the original manuscripts of the Bible in comparison to other sources of historical events. (5:37)


TV and Radio gardener Matthew Biggs explains how the natural world around us demonstrates the power and purpose of a creator God as described in the Bible. (4:40)


Dr John Hellawell explains how many of our supposedly modern hygiene practices actually date back thousands of years as described in the early books of the Bible. (4:52)


History teacher John Botten explains how the Bible not only records ancient history but also predicted the rise and fall of Alexander the Great. (5:24)

Archaeologist Dr Leen Ritmeyer explores how modern day archaeological discoveries verify the
Biblical account of historic events. (4:34)