About Us
We are a growing family who are closely connected by a shared love of God and a desire to learn from his message in the Bible.
The Bible is a guidebook for daily living and we enjoy regularly reading and studying it.
As well as exploring the Bible together we also enjoy plenty of other activities including trips to the beach, rambles in the countryside (where we often get lost!) and quiz nights.
It’s great to have friends to share the journey with.

What We Believe
We Believe
Jesus will return to the earth to establish God’s Kingdom
We Believe
Through faith in Jesus you too can share in His Kingdom
We Believe
Jesus rose from the dead and is alive
We Believe
Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins
We Believe
Jesus is the Son of God
We Believe
The Bible is the Word of God
We Believe
God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life.

Reasons to Believe
The Bible contains amazing examples of predictions and prophecies that have come true and this gives us encouragement as we see events in the world clearly pointing to the fact that Jesus will soon be back on the earth.
Who are the Christadelphians?
Don’t be puzzled by our name – in plain English it just means ‘brothers and sisters in Christ’.
Christadelphians are a worldwide community and can be found in over 120 countries.
The sole basis for our faith is the Bible which we believe to be God’s word.
Our groups meet in homes, halls and rented rooms, and services are based on the practices that Jesus taught in the first century.
The community has no paid ministry but relies on members of the community to teach and lead worship.